
خلاطة الخرسانة الصناعية للبيعخلاطة الخرسانة الصناعية للبيع

تتجه مواد البناء إلى التحسين بشكل متزايد. ومن أجل تلبية الاحتياجات الاجتماعية، يعمل مصنعو الخلاطات الخرسانية باستمرار على تحسين تكنولوجيا معدات خلط الخرسانة، من JZC الأولية، JZM إلى JDC الحالية، JS.

تتوفر الخلاطات الخرسانية الصناعية للبيع بأنواع عديدة. الخلاطة الخرسانية الأسطوانية هي نوع قديم الطراز. تضع الخليط في أسطوانة خلط دوارة. وبينما تدور أسطوانة الخلط، ترفع الشفرات الموجودة في الأسطوانة الخليط إلى ارتفاع معين، ثم يمكن أن يسقط بحرية بوزنه الخاص، ويتميز بكفاءة منخفضة وجودة خرسانية منخفضة.

حجم منفذ التفريغ للخلاطة الخرسانية ذات العمود الواحد ثابت نسبيًا، وهو أمر يصعب تعديله في الإنتاج الفعلي، ومن السهل جدًا أن يعلق باب التفريغ الخاص بها، وأداء التفريغ عام جدًا. تحل الخلاطة ذات العمودين هذه المشكلة بشكل فعال، وأداء التفريغ الخاص بها ممتاز نسبيًا. وهذا سبب آخر مهم جدًا يجعل معظم مصانع خلط الخرسانة تستخدم الآن الخلاطات ذات العمودين.

تُستخدم الخلاطات الخرسانية ذات العمودين على نطاق واسع في مشاريع البناء المختلفة، مثل المباني السكنية والجسور والطرق وما إلى ذلك. تجعلها قدرتها الفعّالة على الخلط وتأثير الخلط الموحد من المعدات التي لا غنى عنها لمواقع البناء الحديثة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، فإن هذا النوع من الخلاطات الخرسانية مناسب أيضًا لمصانع المكونات الجاهزة ومصانع خلط الخرسانة وغيرها من الأماكن، مما يوفر دعمًا قويًا لإنتاج الخرسانة بأحجام مختلفة.

الخلاطات الخرسانية الكوكبية هي معدات متخصصة للغاية للخلط في صناعة الخرسانة، وخاصة في إنتاج الخرسانة الجديدة ومنتجات الأسمنت وما إلى ذلك، مع مزايا واضحة. يمكن تجهيز الخلاطات الخرسانية الكوكبية بأنظمة التحكم التلقائي، والتي يمكنها ضبط جودة الخلط تلقائيًا حسب الحاجة لتلبية احتياجات ظروف العمل المختلفة. تتمتع الخلاطة الخرسانية الكوكبية بضوضاء منخفضة أثناء الإنتاج، وهي أكثر أمانًا وصديقة للبيئة عند استخدامها.

في الوقت الحاضر، الخلاطات الخرسانية الأكثر استخدامًا في مصانع خلط الخرسانة هي الخلاطة ذات العمودين والخلاطة الخرسانية الكوكبية. بشكل عام، يمكن استخدام الخلاطة الخرسانية ذات العمودين لإنتاج الخرسانة بدرجة C50 أو أقل، ويوصى بالخلاطات الكوكبية ذات العمود الرأسي للخرسانة فوق C50. نظرًا لأن الخرسانة التي تقل عن C50 هي الأكثر استخدامًا في الوقت الحاضر، فإن الخلاطة الخرسانية ذات العمودين هي النموذج السائد. أما بالنسبة لأفضل خلاطة أسمنتية، فيعتمد ذلك على احتياجات المشروع والميزانية.

Why Choose Mobile Concrete Mixing Plant

 Why buy a mobile concrete batching plant available for purchase? You can have many choices, but for large or medium construction projects like bridge and port, a concrete batch plant is a better choice. Different from stationary concrete batch plant, mobile bathing plant is certainly the most convenient.

Let’s see the advantages you can get if you choose portable concrete plant.

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1. Installation of any mobile unit can be done in approximately 1 day

The mobile mixing plant is of simpler structure than the stationary batching plant, it is more flexible to move and easier to assemble and disassemble.

2. Relocate to any job site

All the parts including the batching machine, the conveyor, the mixer, the control room, the weighing system are installed on a transport chassis. What’s more, its land occupancy is less. All these make it can relocate to any job site quickly.

3. Good Mixing Effect

Take Haomei mini mobile concrete batching plant for example. It adopts JS twin-shaft concrete mixer, which is of good mixing quality and fast speed. Quality concrete will ensure the quick and smooth completion of the projects. That is your and our wish.

4. Pre-installed insulation -fast installation even of “winter”plants

All winter equipment -housing of the modules as well as additional devices, pipes and cables inside the modules -is factory installed and does not need to be disassembled when moving the plant.

Obviously, using a mobile mixing plant opens you approximately even more projects. It means you can do more and expand your business. At the same time, your cost is less than buying a stationary concrete plant.

Original source: https://www.haomei-machinery.com/a/why-choose-mobile-concrete-mixing-plant.html

What Is Mini Pump Concrete Pumping

Mini pump concrete pumping is a way to transport concrete from a concrete mixing plant to a construction site through a pump truck. It transports the precast concrete produced by the concrete mixing station to the location where it needs to be poured through a pipeline, thus achieving efficient, fast and safe construction.

The mini concrete pumps have many types: concrete boom pump, concrete pump trailer, concrete mixer pump. Small pump trucks generally refer to models with a boom length of less than 30 meters. Because the price of a concrete pump truck is directly linked to the boom length, the shorter the boom length, the lower the price.

The first thing that small pump trucks need to do when operating in the periphery of cities or towns is passability. Small pump trucks have a compact body and very good passability. They are particularly suitable for rural roads and can adapt well to the periphery of cities or towns.

A concrete mixer pump consists of a mixing drum, a delivery pump and a control system. The mixing drum of the concrete mixing pump can hold a certain amount of concrete and mix the concrete evenly by rotating the mixing blades. Then, the concrete pump delivers the mixed concrete to the construction site, such as wall columns, beams and slabs, through a pipeline.

The concrete mixing pump is of small size, strong practicality, economical energy saving, labor saving and high efficiency. It can easily cope with the construction of bridges, roads, tunnels, water conservancy, urban and rural housing, etc. It can be used for floor heating, shotcrete engineering and refractory materials and soil spraying and throwing. It has a small volume and is easier to use than large and medium-sized concrete pumps. It is particularly suitable for the construction of 5-10-story buildings in rural towns.

Since the boom length of the boom pump is limited, the boom pump cannot complete the pumping for heights and distances that exceed the length of the concrete boom. The concrete line pump requires manual pipe laying, so as long as the power is sufficient, users can completely choose the appropriate delivery pipe length according to the project conditions.

Without the truck chassis, the concrete pump trailer belongs to the static concrete pump for sale, but it can towed to other construction sites. It has two types: one is diesel concrete pump, the other is electric concrete pump. The diesel concrete pump is suitable for areas with inconvenient transportation and remote geographical locations.

Because electricity is not convenient, diesel engines have great advantages in the working environment. The electric concrete pump is suitable for developed areas because it is convenient to use electricity and is more environmentally friendly.

Original source: https://www.concrete-pump-cn.com/a/what-is-mini-pump-concrete-pumping.html

Which One is to choose: Stationary or Mobile Asphalt Plant

 The asphalt grade used for asphalt pavement should be determined carefully according to the highway grade, climate conditions, traffic conditions, pavement type, layer position in the pavement structure, construction methods, etc., combined with the current use experience and after technical discussion.

For expressways, first-class highways, ways with high summer temperatures, long-term high temperatures, heavy traffic, steep slopes and sharp bends in mountainous or hilly areas, parking lots or sections with slow driving speeds, it is advisable to use asphalt with high viscosity. The heavy traffic asphalt plant on sales is used to produce such asphalt concrete. It also has two types: stationary and mobile asphalt plant.

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The portable asphalt mixing plants are usually used in areas where infrastructure is not yet developed, while high-capacity stationary asphalt batching plants are more common in metropolitan areas. Stationary asphalt mixing plants are suitable for medium and large-scale projects, with a capacity range of 40-320 tons/hour. The stationary asphalt plant is mainly divided into two types: batching type asphalt plant and asphalt drum mixing plant.

Highways that promote economic growth are often built in remote areas, which is where mobile asphalt mixing plants come in handy. No matter how remote the construction site is, mobile mixing plants can produce and provide the required asphalt. The equipment can not only be installed on a small site, but also relocated during the construction process, making it convenient for the construction team to obtain construction materials and reduce the transportation time of finished materials.

The mobile asphalt plant is built near the construction section to increase the daily output of asphalt materials and reduce the cost of paving construction. As the construction progresses, the equipment can be transferred at any time to reduce the transportation time and cost of finished materials and keep pace with the paving team. When the project is completed, the mixing plant can move to another construction site, and its flexibility is once again demonstrated.

Advantages of stationary asphalt mixing plants

1. Unlike mobile mixing plants, stationary mixing plants have higher production capacity, which allows you to prepare large quantities of high-quality asphalt mixtures in a short time.

2. Stationary mixing plants have higher efficiency in energy utilization, which can reduce production costs.

3. The service life of stationary mixing plants is significantly higher than that of mobile or small asphalt concrete equipment.

4. Stationary asphalt plants are used when high-quality asphalt mixtures are required on a regular basis in large quantities.

Original source: https://www.concretebatchplanthm.com/a/which-one-to-choose-stationary-or-mobile-asphalt-plant.html

خلاطة الخرسانة الصناعية للبيعخلاطة الخرسانة الصناعية للبيع

تتجه مواد البناء إلى التحسين بشكل متزايد . ومن أجل تلبية الاحتياجات الاجتماعية، يعمل مصنعو الخلاطات الخرسانية باستمرار على تحسين تكنولوجيا م...