
Ready Mix Concrete Plant Cost Analysis

 Small ready mix concrete plant is widely used in the rural market. The output is moderate, the site and investment is small, while the profit is large. Many people are preparing to build their own RMC plant. But you need to have a clear understanding of the main models of ready mix concrete plant for sale and the general ready mix concrete plant cost.

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HZS25, HZS35, HZS50 and HZS60 are the best selling models of the RMC plant for sale. That is because the concrete mixing plants in rural areas are mainly used for the construction of small

and medium-sized projects such as house construction, road expansion, bridge construction, etc. These models can fully satisfy this need.

Take HZS35 concrete batching plant for example. The market price of HZS35 concrete batching plant is generally between 90,000 and 200,000 RMB, and the theoretical productivity per hour is 35 m³/h.


HZS35 concrete batching plant

HZS50 concrete batching plant

HZS60 concrete batching plant


JS750 twin-shaft mixer

JS1000 twin-shaft mixer

JS1000 twin-shaft mixer

Host power

30 kw

2*18.5 kw

2*18.5 kw


35 m³/h

50 m³/h

60 m³/h

Batching machine




According to the 8 working hours per day and a project period of 300 days a year, the annual output is about 84,000 cubic meters of concrete. According to the current concrete market, the profit per cubic meter of concrete is about 50-80 RMB, which can bring the profit of basically 4.2 million a year. It is certain that the specific details depends on the competition and actual profit situation of the local mixing plant. What are the advantages of building RMC plant in rural areas?

1. It has good market prospects, less competition, more profitable return.

2. The construction space is large, the investment is less, and the return is quicker.

3. The labor cost is lower and the installation space is small.

4. It satisfies most conventional concrete such as railways, highways, airports, docks, etc. It is also very suitable for small and medium-sized construction projects with small demand for concrete and short construction period. Welcome to leave message here to get a quotation of the ready mix concrete plant for sale.

Original source: https://www.concretebatchplanthm.com/a/ready-mix-concrete-plant-cost-analysis.html



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