
What Are Features of Drum Mix Asphalt Plant

 Asphalt mixing equipment puts various aggregates and asphalt into the equipment at one time according to the standard proportion and standard industrial process, and forcefully mixes these aggregates and asphalt. As long as the degree of fusion of aggregates and asphalt reaches a certain precision, the finished material is formed. If the proportion of a certain aggregate is not enough, the amount of aggregate can be increased intermittently to achieve the standard precision.

The characteristics of the continuous asphalt drum mix plant process are: dynamically metered and graded cold aggregate and stone powder continuously enter from the front of the mixing drum, then dried and heated by downstream heating, mixed with dynamically metered and continuously sprayed hot asphalt at the rear of the drum, and asphalt concrete is continuously stirred by drop mixing.

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Compared with batch type hot mix plant, continuous hot mix asphalt trailer has cold aggregate drying and heating and mixing in one, so the process is simplified and the manufacturing and use costs are low. Dust is difficult to escape when mixing concrete, and it is easy to meet environmental protection standards.

However, since the heating of aggregates is carried out by hot air in the direction of material flow, the utilization rate of heat energy is low, and the water content of the mixed asphalt concrete is large and the temperature is also low. Simple and economical drying drums guarantee high production capacity and high quality of the finished product, with precise inspection of the raw materials.

As in conventional plants, the asphalt produced in the dry mixer drum is sent to storage silos and then unloaded into transport trucks for transport to the road construction site. It can be easily set up near road construction areas, allowing for rapid asphalt production and seamless integration into the construction process.

Continuous asphalt mixing equipment is currently widely used around the world, especially in North America, South America, France and other regions, accounting for a considerable market share. The production capacity of the whole equipment ranges from 20-60 tons/hour.

There are two different types of continuous drum mix plants: Co-current heated drum mixers (the simplest and cheapest type of plant) and counter-current heated plants (more efficient from a heat exchange perspective). Welcome to inquire drum mix plant price from us directly.

Original source: https://www.haomei-machinery.com/a/what-are-features-of-drum-mix-asphalt-plant.html



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