
نموذج شائع: مضخة الخرسانة بطول 39 مترًا

 تتميز شاحنات المضخة الصغيرة بسرعة نقلها وسهولة ضخها ومرونة وسرعة تمديدها وسحبها، مما يلغي الحاجة إلى توصيل وإزالة الأنابيب، مما يقلل بشكل كبير من العمالة ويوفر تكاليف العمالة. أول شيء يجب على شاحنات المضخة الصغيرة القيام به عند التشغيل في المدن أو البلدات هو القدرة على المرور. تتميز شاحنة مضخة الخرسانة بطول 39 مترًا بجسم مضغوط وقدرة جيدة جدًا على المرور. وهي مناسبة بشكل خاص للطرق الريفية ويمكنها التكيف جيدًا مع التشغيل في هذه الأماكن.

تتميز شاحنة مضخة الخرسانة ذات الذراع القصير 39 مترًا من Haomei بامتصاص سريع للمواد ومجهزة بنظام ضخ بقطر أسطوانة كبير (230 مم) وإزاحة كبيرة (120 متر مكعب / ساعة). معدل امتصاص المواد أكثر من 85٪، وعدد مرات الرجوع للخلف بنفس الإزاحة منخفض، وعمر الأجزاء المتآكلة طويل. يمكن أن تدور منصة دوارة شاحنة المضخة 360 درجة، ولا توجد زاوية ميتة في البناء.

يمكنها تلبية متطلبات بناء المنازل ذاتية البناء بالكامل. يبلغ ارتفاع منزل مبني ذاتيًا من 4 طوابق في المناطق الريفية 3.9 مترًا من طابق واحد، وطول ذراع الرافعة لشاحنة المضخة الصغيرة التي يبلغ طولها 39 مترًا كافٍ تمامًا، مع سهولة وتغطية بدون نهايات مسدودة. في الوقت نفسه، يمكن دعم شاحنة المضخة على جانب واحد لتلبية احتياجات نطاق العمل الضيق وضمان التشغيل دون عوائق.

نظرًا للهيكل القابل للطي الخاص لذراع الرافعة لشاحنة المضخة الصغيرة، لا يمكن فتح الذراع بالكامل إلا أثناء بناء الضخ، ويمكن تحقيق الضخ عن طريق ضبط قوس الذراع. من أجل جعل الذراع غير المطوي يلبي بشكل معقول احتياجات بناء الضخ لمسافات قصيرة، من الضروري محاولة تقصير الطول غير المطوي للذراع. للضخ لمسافات طويلة، اختر استخدام الذراع بالكامل، وللضخ لمسافات قصيرة، اختر استخدام جزء من الذراع.

بالإضافة إلى ذلك، فهي مجهزة بوحدة تحكم مركزية لآلات البناء، وشاشة عرض عالية الدقة كبيرة الحجم، وجهاز تحكم عن بعد بشاشة LCD. يتميز نظام التحكم بأداء أقوى، وتشغيل أكثر سهولة في الاستخدام، مما يجعل التعامل مع صعوبات البناء أسهل.

تم ترقية الأجزاء المتآكلة بالكامل لتكون ذات عمر أطول ومقاومة أفضل للتآكل واستخدام عالمي، إلخ. على سبيل المثال، تم ترقية مكبس الخرسانة بالكامل. تستخدم شاحنة المضخة الصغيرة التي يبلغ طولها 39 مترًا تقنية مركبة من مواد خاصة، ويتجاوز متوسط ​​عمر مكبس شاحنة المضخة 600 ساعة، وهو أعلى بنسبة 200% من الجيل السابق. تم تصدير شاحنات مضخة الخرسانة الجديدة من Haomei Machinery إلى العديد من البلدان. ​​نرحب بك للاستفسار عن شاحنة مضخة الخرسانة ماليزيا منا.

المصدر الأصلي: https://www.uaeconcreteplant.com/concrete-pump-truck

What Are the Spotlights of The Mobile Cement Batch Plant

 Mobile cement batch plant is suitable for temporary projects and projects with long engineering lines. The biggest benefit is that concrete is produced on the construction site. The pumping equipment can transport the produced concrete directly to the pouring site, saving the cost of concrete transportation.

The mobile concrete batching plants are divided into YHZM drum mobile mixing stations and YHZS mobile concrete batching plant according to the differences of concrete mixers. YHZM drum mobile mixing station uses a drum mixer as the mixing host. It features low price and simple structure. The YHZS series chooses a twin shaft concrete mixer, featuring high efficiency and excellent mixing effect.

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Unlike traditional concrete mixing plants, mobile concrete mixing plants are designed with semi-trailers. The models of YHZS mobile concrete mixing plants are: YHZS25, YHZS35, YHZS50, YHZS60, YHZS75, YHZS90, YHZS120,etc.

The mobile concrete mixing plant is equipped with tires, traction pins, driving signal devices, and brake systems. The speed allowed when towed by a trailer can reach less than 40/hour. The main advantage of the mobile concrete mixing plant is that it is flexible and easy to transfer. It is an excellent choice for investing in small engineering projects at present.

The mobile concrete batching plant has a structure that is easy to install and transport. It can be easily transported by sea or land. The quick installation provides flexible solutions for problems that may arise in the project area.

Due to its compact and modular design, the installation time of the mobile concrete mixing plant is shorter than that of the lifting hopper concrete mixing plant and the belt concrete mixing plant, and it is particularly suitable for concrete production under difficult conditions in a short period of time.

It should be noted that the mobile concrete batching plant doesn’t mean no need for foundation. Some additional work is required to ensure the safe and stable operation of the batching plant like ground hardening.

As for the small rmc plant price, due to the different configurations of mixing equipment, even for the same type of mixing equipment, the price will be different. Even for customers, it can only be a price range, not a specific value. Generally speaking, the cost of mobile concrete mixing plant can only be estimated based on the actual needs of concrete producers.

Original source: https://www.haomei-machinery.com/a/what-are-the-spotlights-of-the-mobile-cement-batch-plant.html

What Are The Feature of Concrete Mixture Pump

The concrete mixer pump truck for sale is a device that transports the mixed concrete to the construction site through a pipeline. A concrete mixing pump consists of a mixing drum, a delivery pump and a control system. The mixing drum of the mixing pump can hold a certain amount of concrete and mix the concrete evenly by rotating the mixing blades. Then, the delivery pump transports the mixed concrete to the construction site, such as wall columns, beams and slabs, through a pipeline.

The small concrete mixer pump has the characteristics of reasonable structure, excellent performance, reliable operation, convenient operation, accurate measurement, etc. It is suitable for the production of small and medium-sized concrete in projects such as slope protection construction, tunnel construction, highway bridge construction, residential construction, rural roads, canals, culverts, and prefabricated components, and is widely used in various engineering construction.

The mixing drum of the concrete mixing pump is driven by a gear ring, the hopper is driven by a conical motor to feed, and the up and down of the hopper and the forward and reverse rotation of the mixing drum are controlled by electrical appliances. It adopts hydraulic feeding.

What are the advantages of hydraulic feeding?

1. Strong stability of the hydraulic cylinder

During the feeding process, it can effectively control the force of the hopper without causing shaking.

2. High power of the hydraulic cylinder

Using the hydraulic cylinder to provide power, the hopper can be quickly fed, and the feeding speed is several times faster than that of the wire rope. The hydraulic cylinder has stronger resistance to compression, tension and air oxidation.

How to maintain concrete mixing pump

We should pay attention to the mechanical system. The areas that need attention and maintenance include: support and travel mechanism, mechanical connection, water pump cleaning system, mixing system and pumping mechanism, and wearing parts.

After the concrete delivery operation is completed, in order to prevent the residual concrete from solidifying and causing damage to the concrete mixture pump, the mixer pump needs to be cleaned. The specific operation is to open the hopper door, release the remaining material in the hopper, remove the cone tube at the hopper outlet, clean it, reverse the pump to discharge the concrete material in the concrete cylinder, rinse the hopper with water, put two sponge balls in the cone tube, connect the cone tube, close the hopper door, fill the hopper with water and pump it until the sponge ball is pumped out from the end of the pipeline.


Original source: https://www.concrete-pump-cn.com/a/what-are-the-features-of-concrete-mixture-pump.html

A Popoular Model: 39 Meter Concrete Pump

 Small boom pump trucks are quick to transfer, easy to pump and flexible and fast to extend and retract the boom, eliminating the need to connect and remove pipes, greatly reducing labor and saving labor costs. The first thing that small pump trucks need to do when operating in the cities or towns is passability. 39 meter concrete pump truck has a compact body and very good passability. It is especially suitable for rural roads and can adapt well to the operation in these places.

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Haomei 39 meter short boom concrete pump truck has fast material absorption and is equipped with a large cylinder diameter (230mm) and large displacement (120 cubic meters/hour) pumping system. The material absorption rate is more than 85%, the number of reversing times with the same displacement is low, and the life of wearing parts is long. The turntable of the pump truck can rotate 360 degrees, and there is no dead angle in the construction.

It can fully satisfy the requirements of constructing self-built houses. A 4-story self-built house in rural areas has a single-story height of 3.9m, and the boom length of this 39-meter small pump truck is fully sufficient, with ease and coverage without dead ends. At the same time, the pump truck can be supported on one side to meet the needs of a narrow working range and ensure unobstructed operation.

Due to the special folding structure of the boom of a small pump truck, the boom can only be fully unfolded during pumping construction, and pumping can be achieved by adjusting the arch of the boom. In order to make the unfolded boom reasonably meet the needs of short-distance pumping construction, it is necessary to try to shorten the unfolded length of the boom. For long-distance pumping, choose to use the entire boom, and for short-distance pumping, choose to use part of the boom.

In addition, it is equipped with a central controller for construction machinery, a large-size high-definition display screen, and an LCD display remote control. The control system has stronger performance, more user-friendly operation, making it easier to handle construction difficulties.

The wearing parts are fully upgraded to have longer life, better wear resistance, universal use,etc. For example, the concrete piston is fully upgraded. The 39-meter small pump truck uses special material composite technology, and the average life of the pump truck piston exceeds 600 hours, which is 200% higher than the previous generation. Haomei Machinery’s new concrete pump trucks have been exported to many countries. Welcome to inquire concrete pump truck Malaysia from us.

Original source: https://www.concretebatchplanthm.com/a/a-popular-model-39-meter-concrete-pump-truck.html


Concrete Batching Plant Working in Phillippines

This is our concrete bacthing plant working in Philippines. Its hourly capacity is 75m3/h. It is of automatic control and twin shaft concrete mixer. The whole process is high efficient and reliable. Haomei Machiery has different types of concrete batching plant of 25-180m3/h. Welcome to send inquiry to feedom@haomei-machinery.com or learn more at our website: https://www.concretebatchplanthm.com/

A Detailed Guide on Types of RMC Concrete Pump

This page is for introducing the models and detailed parameters of the key construction equipment, RMC concrete pump , to help you choose an...