
What Will The Small Concrete Batch Plant Bring You

Concrete has become an indispensable raw materials for modern engineering construction. At this time, it is good choice to invest in a small concrete batch plant no matter for your construction or producing commercial concrete.
economic profit of small concrete plant.jpgThe small concrete batch plant is usually a mobile batching plant for sale. The mobile batch plant, also known as a portable concrete plant is a very productive, reliable and cost effective piece of equipment to produce batches of concrete.
Mobile batching plant price has a great relationship with the models. The common small batching plant models are YHZS35 mobile concrete batching plant and YHZS60 mobile mixing plant. The price of YHZS60 is higher than YHZS 35. You can make choice according to your production volume. As a professional mobile concrete batching plant manufacturers, we suggest that don’t only pursuit the big one without considering your practical need.
No matter which model of small portable concrete batch plant you want, its price is lower a lot than large concrete batch plant, but the economic effect of small concrete batch plant is considerable.
1574241731861461.jpgTake YHZS60 mobile batch mix plant for example. Its theory output is 60 m3/h. The actual production process will be slightly lower due to the supply of raw materials and the skill of the workers, but the amount of commercial concrete can be produced in one year can reach 170,000 cubic meters.
You can estimate the income of a set of YHZS60 mobile in one year according to the price of local commercial concrete. Substracting material cost, equipment cost, labor cost, land lease cost, you get pure profit. If you use for your own construction, it will greatly save the whole construction cost.



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