Why buy a mobile concrete batching plant available for purchase? You can have many choices, but for large or medium construction projects like bridge and port, a concrete batch plant is a better choice. Different from stationary concrete batch plant, mobile batching plant is certainly the most convenient.

1. Installation of any mobile unit can be done in approximately 1 day.
The mobile mixing plant is of simpler structure than the stationary batching plant, it is more flexible to move and easier to assemble and disassemble.
2. Relocate to any job site.
All the parts including the batching machine, the conveyor, the mixer, the control room, the weighing system are installed on a transport chassis. What’s more, its land occupancy is less. All these make it can relocate to any job site quickly.
3. Good Mixing Effect.

4. Pre-installed insulation -fast installation even of “winter”plants.
All winter equipment -housing of the modules as well as additional devices, pipes and cables inside the modules -is factory installed and does not need to be disassembled when moving the plant.
Obviously, using a mobile mixing plant opens you approximately even more projects. It means you can do more and expand your business. At the same time, your cost is less than buying a stationary concrete plant.
Since mobile concrete plant has so many adavantages, why not consider it、